
Lemony Snicket

If you could change a character in the book, who would you change and how would you change them?


  1. I would choose Snicket because he is a detective but I want him to be a explorer. If he was a explorer, the book would be about Snicket trying to find out the new kind of bird. :)

  2. If I could change one person in Lemony Snicket I would change S. Theodore Marksen into a nice, yet serious woman. I would also change her so she can say what S. stands for.

  3. I would change Snicket so he was a man. So when they are going around people might believe they are maried

  4. If I could change a character in the story I would change S Theodore Markesan. I would change her into a person who was more nice. She would listen to Lemony more often. And I would make her a better detective.

  5. If I could change a character in the story I would change S. Theodora Watson because she is a little harsh on Lemony Snicket. She is also mean and tells him to be quiet, and bosses him around. She really needs to let Lemony speak once and a while.

  6. If I could change someone in the book I would change S. Theodor Markson. I would change the way she talks to Lemony. Also the way she looks I would make her look mean, after all she is a spy. Then I would change the way she doesn't listen to Lemony when he has something to say or ASK ???

  7. If I could change a person in the story I would pick Theodora because she is really mean to Lemony Snicket. She also needs to let him speak once and awhile.

  8. I would change the woman that got her statue "stolen". I would change her by making her tell the truth. I doubt it was her statue in the first place. She's probably just saying that to get the statue.

  9. I would change Lemony so he doesn't ask all the wrong questions. I would change him to be a different person to.

  10. If I could change someone I would change S. Theodora Markesan to a better detective.

  11. If I could change someone I would change S. Theodora Markason, because she is a terrible detective and she NEEDS to change that! (:

  12. I would change someone I would change S. Theodora Markesan. I would change her by telling her our asking all the wrong questions. I would boss her around like she bosses lemony around that's how I would change S. Theodora Markesan

  13. if I could change someone it would be S. Theodora Markesan because she needs to change her detective. She really needs to change that.
