
Here Lies Linc

Would you be there for a friend, or would you cut them loose. Give an example and details.


  1. I would be there friend, and I wouldn't cut them loose. Because I never cut friends loose. I always promise them that I would be there friend, and I always be there for a friend when they need me there.

  2. If my friend was in trouble I would be there for them. I would never cut my friend loose. If my friend was caught on a bad web site I would stand up for them until they tell me to sit down then I will. If they get kicked out of school I would keep them as a friend and not cut them loose

  3. I would not cut a friend lose. I would not cut a friend loose because if I cut all my friends loose I would not have any friends to play with and it would be no fun.

  4. I would never cut my friend loose even for Delaney when he`s talking to her. But the most important thing is that I would never leave my friend behind. Like when my friends get into fights I always try to break it up!!

  5. If my friend was in trouble like Linc was, I would of stand up for him because maybe I would never get to see him. I wouldn't cut them loose because they wouldn't stand up to me either. Also, because I would not have no one to play with. :)

  6. I would be there for my buddy. I would stand up for them. I would never cut a friend loose in the first place. I would leave a friend if they need help.

  7. I would be there for a friend I would never leave someone behide. That is what I would do.

  8. I would be there for a friend like when they get threatened by a bully.

  9. I would be there friend I would never leave someone behind unless they moved or I moved.
